“Radio Freedom. The story of an antifascist family in Barcelona”
Radio Libertà (Radio Freedom) is the story of a radio in republican Barcelona. An antifascist radio designed and put
into service by a Naples-born antifascist lawyer, Carmine Cesare Grossi, a socialist, during the Spanish Civil War.
Radio Libertà is the story of a neapolitan family, the Grossis, who chose to take side, and reached Barcelona via a long, a very long journey touching Argentina, Belgium and France.
Radio Libertà is the story of Ada Grossi, a girl who is only 19 when she crosses the Atlantic Ocean with her family, before sailing back to Europe, where she becomes the voice of blood-stained Spain, of free Spain, reaching out through the airwaves to antifascists Europe-wide, calling on them to come over and help.
(Translated from: “Radio Libertà. Història d’una família antifeixista italiana a Barcelona (1936-1939)” 18th November 2015 at Memorial Democràtic, Peu de la Creu, 4, Barcelona.)