The Italian Democratic Party (PD) in Brescia has reviewed an estimation of the cost of restoring the “Fascist Era” statue, which has been circulating for some time,
to a staggering 460,000 Euros. In an article published on the local section of the Corriere della Sera, local PD leader and party Mayoral election candidate for May 2013 Emilio Del Bono reminded how the Bigio is supposed to tower over the two Stolpersteine devoted to the memory of Guido and Alberto Dalla Volta.
Commenting on the cost of the operation, PD officials detailed their estimation: 60,000 € for the hole opened in the square where the Bigio should rise, 150,000 € for other construction costs, 100,000 € for stone material and pedestal, and 150,000 € for restoring and positioning the statue.
An excessive allocation of funds to put back on its legs «the ugly memory of an era that Brescia is surely not nostalgic about» as Councillor Giuseppe Ungari put it.
Too high a price to pay, according to Councillor Fabio Capra, «when you consider that money for the elderly has been written off in the City budget». Marco Fenaroli, another candidate in the May 2013 Mayoral elections, has also voiced his opposition to the Bigio decision. Other candidates to the “Loggia 2013” elections have not expressed their opinion when contacted on Twitter by ANPI Brescia.
Brescia says No to a 24-ft high fascist statue towering over its central Piazza della Vittoria
Former Mayor Paolo Corsini (PD) says No to the Bigio being restored to central Brescia
“The Bigio controversy ends up on Twitter”, Corriere della Sera, 13th March 2013
Brescia’s “Fascist Era” controversy on Radio Popolare. Interview with president of ANPI Brescia Giulio Ghidotti, 22nd March 2013
Rally / flash mob against “Fascist Era” statue on National TV network RAI, 23rd March
- Concerns expressed on Brescia’s “Fascist Era” statue by president of the Shoah Museum Rome
- Brescia’s Fascist Era statue on the Guardian, Saturday 6th April 2013